Automation processes

Automation for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants, for pumping stations and process automation.

Automation for wastewater treatment plants

Automation for wastewater treatment plants

Unitati de control pentru diverse subansamble si periferii.

Control unit for wastewater treatment plants – PROFESSIONAL Range

Control unit for wastewater treatment plants – PROFESSIONAL Range

Unitate de control electronica pentru statii de epurare SBR cu 1 sau 2 reactoare poate fi usor adaptata altor sisteme de epurare SBR similare.

proControl 2 – Programmable automatic for SBR type treatment plants

proControl 2 – Programmable automatic for SBR type treatment plants

Unitate de control electronica pentru echipamente de epurare de tipul AQUAmax® BASIC / CLASSIC sau statii de epurare SBR similare.