
Sand filters

Sand filters are used to retain suspensions in water, for example, to protect an activated carbon filter. Particular substances in suspension are retained in the sand filter. If the filter capacity is exhausted, it is subjected to a reverse rinse (optional). As a result, the trapped particles are discharged and the sand filling can be used again for the filtration process. The size of the filter depends mainly on the flow of water passing through it and on its loading with suspended substances. Filters are usually filled with quartz sand, with a typical grain size of 0.7-1.2 mm. If the granular size exceeds 2 mm, we talk about gravel filters.

Applications Retention of suspensions in water.

First step before an activated carbon filter where there are suspensions in the water.

Configuration Multiple sizes of filters are available, these can be equipped with reverse rinses, pressure gauges, mouths, etc.

Produse asemanatoare

Produse special concepute pentru a satisface cerintele foarte specifice ale acestui domeniu.